RBSA Photographic Prize - Highly Commended Award
After being selected for the bi annual RBSA Photographic Prize, I was awarded a Highly Commended prize for a couple of images taken from my ongoing series with Brent. The portrait of Brent wearing taxidermy fox eyes and the rat in a trap were hand printed as an edition of 3.
Martin Parr Foundation
Had a qucik visit to Bristol last week and was delighted that The Martin Parr Foundation have accepted my dummy book - The Flesh & the Fantasy to be in their extensive photobook collection. I’m chuffed its found its way into their unique and wonderful library amongst some incredible work. I’ll be returning shortly to have a proper look at the brilliant work showing at the Bristol Photography Festival

East meets West fringe exhbition
I am delighted to be part of this years FORMAT21 festival as part of the EMW Masterclass from 2020. Due to the current climate FORMAT moved everything online and VR in collaboration with New Art Cities Virtual Art Space.
Featured are a couple of pieces from ‘The Flesh & the Fantasy’ - exploring British communities and individuals who have adopted American inspired lifestyles.

04 / 01 / 21
New publication - Let The River Flow by Jaime Molina
Let the River Flow is an experimental zine, depicting a visual conversation between twenty photographers from around the world. The artists have responded to a previous photograph with one of their own, creating a continuous flow of captivating imagery. Photographers from Guatemala, Venezuela, Singapore and more have been brought together in this twenty-eight-page handbound zine. Together, there exists a narrative both beautiful and disquieting - as the reader is swept forwards into a world otherwise unseen.
Featured in Issue 1.
Niamh Hejsak, Andy Pilsbury,
Jess Keatley, Peter Flude,
Robert Darch, Arabelle Zhuang,
Amara Eno, Harry Lawlor,
Juan Brenner, Aster Reem David,
Josh Adam Jones, Kori Burgess-Noad,
Robin Friend, Sebastian Beierle,
Laura Feliu, Max Searl ,
Tristan Spinski, Silvana Trevale,
Thomas Maxwell, Rory Blair.
Edition of 100
Grab a copy HERE
This image used for the first edition of LTRF was taken early one morning whilst on the Ganges, India back in 2018.

15 / 12 / 20
Delighted to have an Honourable Mention in Creative Reviews Photography Annual 2020 for The Flesh & the Fantasy.
The online feature can be read here

22 / 11 / 20

Here’s Iwan from a recent comission in Pembrokshire, Wales.
Just before lockdown I had the pleasure to work with the fantastic Gaia Foundation on its Seed Sovereignty project.
‘Supporting a biodiverse and ecologically sustainable seed system across Britain & Ireland.’
We documented the stories of two farmers and one musician on their quest to revive a rare Black Welsh Oat. What an interesting trip filled with coastal jaunts to spud picking and folk songs. Along with stills i’m working on a short video piece to accompany the work.......coming soon.More on the Gaia Foundation and the Seed Sovereignty project can be found here.
27 / 07 / 20
I was fortunate to be selected for the East meets West masterclass back in late 19’. The programme, supported by GRAIN, FORMAT, QUAD & ARTS COUNCIL ENGLAND offers a range of workshops, talks and crits by industry leaders and practitioners which I found to be an extremely enriching experience. Good news, the Masterclass publication arrived recently. The group has been working hard to launch the mini tabloid along with a digital launch that includes ongoing talks and interviews by the participants that can be found on the EMW website here.

17 / 07 / 20
Earlier this year I was commissioned by Ink Creative and the AML Group to capture images for the Foresight Group, an investment management company who specialise in transformational technologies and renewable energy.
The images were for the group’s new campaign which features on their website, social media and also billboards throughout the UK, including one at London Bridge station.
Danny lost his arm to Meningitis and Septicaemia when he was just five years old and although he has grown up using his wheelchair and prosthetic legs, he has never had the use of his right arm or hand. However thanks to Foresight portfolio company, Open Bionics, Danny now has the world’s first clinically approved 3D-printed bionic arm, which was the focus of the campaign.

08 / 05 / 20
Moving away from the window and learning to look again in confined spaces. A series of observations made around the house during CV - 19. A combination of still life and portraits, looking for the beauty in these unsettling times. I hope you are all staying safe!

02 / 05 / 20
Uprecidented times - A view from my bedroom during first few days of Covid-19.
Trying to stay creative whilst contemplatng the new challenges ahead.